Getting yourself organized!Clock/timerHave a watch or phone to help keep track of time; monitor how much time you spend on activity and compare it to your schedule. Class scheduleChoose a different colour for each course and highlight it in your schedule. It is good to associate each course with a colour and continue using it for binders, folders, highlights in your calendar, etc. Course outlineRead each course outline carefully to determine the workload and how marks are being allocated. Transfer all deadlines to your monthly calendar and agenda, and schedule time to work on each assignment or study for each test. Wall calendar or master calendarUse a monthly calendar or master calendar for the entire semester. Record all of your assignments, tests etc. from your course outlines. Also record important events in your personal life as well. Plan ahead for busy weeks when multiple assignments are due. Personal agendaThis contains your weekly timetable. Your student agenda works well for this function. Fill in your class schedule, tests, assignments and personal activities such as sports, grocery shopping, etc. Then, referring to your monthly calendar, block off time for reviewing notes from class, studying for tests, and working on assignments. To-do listsThis is your daily to-do list. Prepare this the night before and refer to your weekly calendar. Carry forward any items not completed, and highlight those items of highest priority. Tick off each task as it is completed. |