When to Contact your Professor
You should contact your professor when you have a question that has not been answered somewhere else. For example, due dates for
an assignment can be found in the course outline. You should also check the discussion forum to see if your question has been answered there.
If it has not, you should post your question there first.
If you require any accommodations, you should contact your professor immediately. The sooner you contact them,
the sooner steps can be taken to accommodate you.
In the event that something unexpected happens, such as an emergency or an illness, you should contact your professor right away.
How to Write to your Professor
Everything you learned about etiquette and proper writing applies to communicating with your instructor. In fact, it can be even more important. Your professors are more likely to be picky about grammar and spelling. Many have hundreds of students and will appreciate an e-mail that is concise and well-written.
Here are a few additional tips:
- Address your professor the way they prefer to be called. Many prefer that you use their first name, while others insist
on being addressed as Professor along with their last name.
- Cut details that aren’t needed. If you are sick, you don’t need to give a detailed account of your illness.
- Contact your professor first about any issue or mark appeal you have with the course, don’t go directly to their
superiors. Issues can be escalated if you and your professor are unable to resolve your concerns.