What is Time Management?
Hint: It's all about you...
There are exactly 168 hours in a week. No more, no less. What are you going to do with the
time available to you? You cannot add more hours to your day. Working "harder" always means
you are giving up doing something else, usually something that is important (like sleeping).
Instead, try and be more efficient with how you use your time.
It is very common for students to feel that...
- There is too little time for tasks to be done
- They are always trying to “catch up”
- It is impossible to balance school and a social life
- It is impossible to balance school and a job and/or family responsibilities
However, all of these things are possible when you use time management strategies
correctly. The goal of time management is to be aware of and prioritize your responsibilities, control
how time is spent, and use time more efficiently.
Time management is really self-management!
This module includes three sections to help you manage your time, and yourself,
- How to perform a time audit to determine how you are using your time.
- Strategies and tools which you can use to make better use of your time.
- How to development a learning plan that combines time management strategies with the
self-knowledge of the time audit and your course outline to manage yourself on a day to day and
semester-long basis.