- Study difficult subjects or
materials first
Resist the temptation to complete
household chores or even fairly mindless homework before you begin the really difficult work.
Both kinds of tasks can be used to avoid the more difficult work and to exaggerate your sense of
- Study in short blocks or
Study in short time blocks with breaks
in between. These short breaks will help maintain your focus and avoid wasting valuable study
time. Remember “all nighters” don’t work for most people as they lose the
ability to focus and are too fatigued the next day to perform well on a test.
- Find a good work location
Your aim should be to find a regular
spot that offers a minimum number of distractions. Make sure that you use your study place for
studying and not for other activities. The point is to build an association between studying and
your study place so that it becomes a way of prompting work, not avoiding it. The library
generally works well for most people.
- Overlap activities if
Combine activities whenever possible.
Study or review notes while at the laundromat. Plan your homework for the evening during your
commute home on public transit.
- Learn to say
Learn that it is okay to reclaim your
time by saying “no” to some things in order to accomplish other things.
- Eat a balanced diet
Personal wellness is vital. Make time
to eat a balanced diet. Your body cannot function well without fuel. Also, be sure to get enough
sleep and exercise.