How to Avoid MisunderstandingsElectronic communication can be difficult. Have you ever sent someone a text or instant message that they took the wrong way? Tone can be very difficult to read into a text and a lighthearted joke or sarcastic comment understood the wrong way can lead to unwanted conflict. Readers don’t have the advantage of being able to hear your tone of voice or see your body language, so you must be extra careful interpreting what someone has posted online, and you must be mindful of how someone could misinterpret what you post or send. Think about the example we looked at before using “A woman without her man is nothing” as an example. It would be embarrassing, and counterproductive, to write an angry response to the person who posted the sentence before you were sure which meaning the writer intended. The most important piece of advice to keep in mind when communicating online is: to treat others the way you would want to be treated and to giving others the benefit of the doubt. The following etiquette tips will help you avoid conflict online: