What works best for you?
Hopefully, in this module, you have learned a few things about yourself that you didn't know
or simply never thought about before. As you go on with your academic and professional lives,
think about how your thinking works and how your brain seems to learn.
Also, keep in mind these final notes:
Application to study skills
- Specific study skills can sometimes be categorized within the different learning styles.
- When working on improving your study habits, keep in mind your personal preference. That does
not mean you should only use strategies that conform with your style. Use whatever works for you,
here and now.
- No computer survey can know more about yourself than you do.
- New evidence suggests that effective learning styles depend more on the nature of the
subject than the person learning it. Therefore, the best policy is to be
Be versatile!
- There are going to be situations where you have no choice on how to learn something. In
these cases, you want to be versatile, and have many different strategies at your disposal.
- Work on improving your use of learning skills associated with a style you are less
comfortable with. The only way to grow is to push yourself to do things that are out of your
comfort zone.