What are Learning Styles?
Learning styles are approaches to or ways of learning. The theory of learning styles comes
from the hypothesis that most people prefer a certain defined method of taking in and processing
information that is different for each individual. Psychologists have developed models in an
attempt to categorize people's preferred methods of learning. In this module we will look at
three such models.
Metacognition - Knowing Yourself
Metacognition literally means "thinking about thinking". To be successful in academics, it is
extremely helpful to have an idea of how your brain works. In addition to learning about learning
styles models, this workshop can serve as an introduction to metacognition, with the goal of
getting you to start thinking about how your brain thinks and learns.
Types of Learning Styles - Psychological Models
Psychologists are always trying to understand how people think. It's their job! The result is
that there are many competing theories on how to describe the way people think and learn. In this
workshop, we will discuss three such models: the VARK Model, the Felder-Solomon Model, and
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences.