How to be a Successful Online Learner

Time Audit

What is a Time Audit?

The first step to using time efficiently is to learn how you are using it right now. Learn how you are currently using your time by performing a time audit. A time audit is a tool that allows you to map out how you use your time. Time audits can be very useful in helping you organize your life. They are very helpful for helping you make time for studying, homework, and other academic obligations. But their value doesn’t stop there, performing a time audit can help you sort out conflicting obligations and find the time for self-care activities that help you maintain good physical and mental health.

Download the Time Audit Template or use the Time Audit activity below and determine your weekly routine. Starting today:

  • Record what you are doing during each hour you are awake.
  • Be brief, but honest. Include where you were doing each task/activity.
  • Record your normal activities for an entire week.
  • Make note of any extraordinary events.

At the end of one week review your audit and analyze how you are spending your time.

  • Outside of class, are you spending more time on study or leisure?
  • Do you have one or more hours of time spent studying for each hour of class?
  • How were you using your time before, between, and after class? Did you have any physical activity included in your week?

By looking at how much time you spend on different activities you will be able to figure out how you are using your time. The next step is to evaluate your priorities and decide where you want to make some changes. The pages that follow will teach you strategies you can use to make positive changes.

Performing a Time Audit

  • To avoid horizontal scrolling you may want to click the "View content in new window" button located just above and to the right.
  • This exercise will take you approximately five to ten minutes to complete.

How to complete the Time Audit

  • Complete the sleep log located below and then click submit. Round your times to the nearest hour.
  • Fill in the remaining boxes of the time audit. The process might seem tedious but the final results will give you incredibly important information about how you are spending your time.  Note: you must select an option from each drop down menu to get your results.
  • Take a look at the resulting pie chart. Look for large sections of your chart that could be used for something more beneficial to your education, career, etc...
  • You may wish to either print the screen or take a screenshot of the results and save it for review later in the semester.  Doing a time audit every few weeks and comparing the results will help you utilize your time more effectively.

What the options mean

  • Class - the times of your regularly scheduled classes
  • Eating - the preparation, cooking and eating of any meals
  • Exercise - the time you spent doing physical exercise (yoga, lifting weights, running, etc...)
  • Family - time you spent with your family
  • Housework - time you spent doing chores around the house (vacuuming, dishes, laundry, etc...)
  • Recreation/Leisure - time you spent playing sports, practicing with your band, playing a video game, watching TV, listening to music or just relaxing
  • Sleep - the time you spent in bed sleeping
  • Social - the time you spent with friends either face to face or online (Facebook, Twitter, etc...)
  • Study - the time you spent reading textbooks, completing homework assignments, etc...
  • Travel - anytime you spent commuting from one place to another
  • Work - the hours you spent working or volunteering
  • Other - anything that does not fall into any other category
Time you went to bed on Sunday night:
Time you woke up Monday morning:
Time you went to bed on Monday night:
Time you woke up Tuesday morning:
Time you went to bed on Tuesday night:
Time you woke up Wednesday morning:
Time you went to bed on Wednesday night:
Time you woke up Thursday morning:
Time you went to bed on Thursday night:
Time you woke up Friday morning:
Time you went to bed on Friday night:
Time you woke up Saturday morning:
Time you went to bed on Saturday night:
Time you woke up Sunday morning:
